Book your flight
1- If flight is for you (not gifting)
Contact us by Email (For First Flight, call directly First Flight pilots), and provide the following information:
Flight that you seek (First Flight or Discovery, Light Aircraft or ULM)
Phone number where we you can be reached in case the flight is postponed (weather conditions, ...)
We will propose several slots and you'll choose one
You will pay in place, by French bank check or cash.
2- If you wish to gift the flight and you are present on the day of the flight
Same as above.
You can print a gift card (In French): See bottom of this page. These documents are not proof of payment: you will pay on the day of the flight.
3- If you wish to gift the flight and you are NOT present on the day of the flight
Contact us by Email for more information, and then mail to us:
A check payable to "Aéro-Club Redonnais"
Your selected flight (s)
A self-addressed stamped envelope
We will return a Flight Voucher (valid for 1 year) that you will give to the gift beneficiary.
The flight voucher specifies our contact information, the type of flight and the number of passengers. It serves as proof of payment to be presented the day of the flight. The price is of course not indicated. It is not nominative.
The gift beneficiary then contacts us to arrange for the flight.
If the deadline is too short, you should still be able to print and offer the gift card right away and have time to pay and obtain your voucher before the flight.
4- If you received a Flight Voucher
Contact us by Email to set a date.
On the day of the flight, take the flight voucher with you as proof of payment. Otherwise, you would have to pay for the flight on site.
To offer a flight, you can print one of those "gift cards" below (In French) and give it to your guest (s).
If you are present during the flight, you will be able to pay for the flight at that time. Otherwise, you will have to pay for the flight beforehand to obtain a "gift" voucher that you will give to your guest (s) before the flight. (See above for further explanations)